Saturday, July 23, 2016

Oh, What a Night!

I watched Trump's speech in parts. I had a long week and fell asleep watching on Thursday night, so I finished it yesterday morning. I watched it on Fox News, but now I wish I would have watched on CNN, but I'll get to why later.

Before I discuss Trump's speech, can I just say Ivanka... Wow!! Not only did she do an amazing job painting her father in a softer light, she built a bridge for women and millennials to support Trump, and did it in a $150 dress from her fashion line. Ivanka made it clear that her father values women, not just with words, but with equal pay, equal opportunity and support when they have children. She made the case to millennials when she admitted that she does not vote on party lines and outlined how Donald Trump in his business spends as much time if not more at the construction site working and listening to the people he trusts most, the workers doing the job, than he does in his executive suite.  At the time I thought, "that's cool, but I wonder if that's true", then I saw him thank the carpenters, electricians, painters and dry wall workers that built the convention stage. He even mentioned a discussion he had with the dry wall crew about the best way to wrap a section of the stage. I can honestly say, after this convention, he has my complete support. 

The democrat response to Trump's speech is that it was dark and dystopian. This proves to me how out of touch the democrats and MSM pundits are. What Trump spoke about is reality and those of us living in the real world know it. It's interesting that they used the word dystopian. There has been a pop culture trend of dystopian America for a few years, The Hunger Games, Divergent, The Walking Dead are all examples of this trend. The citizens of America know that we are on the wrong track, even if it was subliminal, but Donald Trump gave words to the concerns we all have about our future.

Another example of how out of touch the democrats are happened yesterday when Secretary of State John Kerry said in a speech that refrigerants are more dangerous than ISIS terrorists. Yeah, that happened. 

National security is a mess, terrorist attacks are happening every week, another one in Munich yesterday, and we need to actively and swiftly end ISIS. Illegal Immigration must be stopped for our safety and economic solvency. We need manufacturing back, (I think Trump has an opportunity with this issue when Hillary pounds away that his dress shirts and ties are made outside of America. He needs to reply. You are right, because of Trade Agreements made by democrats like you, I had to go outside to make my clothing line affordable, but when I'm president everything made under the Trump label will be Made in America.). Our national debt has to be addressed if we have a future as a nation. Infrastructure must be improved so our economy can grow. School choice must be an option to improve our education system. He did not say one thing that I could not support. And apparently I am not the only one. Trump's speech ran long, and the reason was the number of times and length of the standing ovations and applause. Which brings me to why I wish I would have watched on CNN.

CNN ran flash polls to see reactions to the speech and I wish I could have seen their faces when the results were shown.

I don't think that these results show a nation that fears Trump's plans. I think it shows a nation that has real HOPE, not the kind that Obama promised to deliver like "This is the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow, and our planet began to heal." 

I did see the focus group of undecided voters on Fox News. Trump didn't win them all over, but did gain the support of over half of them. More interesting to me is that after watching the convention not one of them will support Hillary. 

It's still a long road to the election, but I think the Trump Train has picked up speed and momentum.

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